Monday, March 16, 2009

Little Help Here...

I am working on a "lesson plan" for a leadership presentation I am doing on Friday. What I would like to do is give some examples (e.g., video, audio, purely name examples, music lyrics) for the different historical leadership theories. I'm looking for examples for each of these. Let me know if you have ideas!

GREAT MAN (ONE) – persons are born with certain heroic leadership traits/qualities

TRAIT THEORIES – certain traits or characteristics distinguish leaders from followers (who someone is makes him/her a leader)

BEHAVIOR THEORIES – what a person does makes him/her a leader

CONTINGENCY THEORIES – situational or contextual variable influence what leader behaviors will be effective

INFLUENCE THEORIES – studied the influence process between leader and follower (e.g., charismatic, leadership vision, etc.)

RELATIONAL THEORIES – how leaders and followers interact and influence each other

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what about a comic hero example for the first superman or spiderman...okay maybe this idea is lame.